I know you wanted
To see yourself in me
For me to be made in your image
But I am not
Did you know I wanted
To see myself in you
For you to know I am different from you
But I am not
We say harsh things
We hurt with words
Only because we can’t
Hurt with harder things
I will not be like some
Who pin their failures on their genes
The nature and the nurture
Or lack of
I don’t want to regret the times
We have and haven’t spent together
The words we did or didn’t say
The hours we wished we had
I am of your image but not of your soul
We keep our own souls
Separating us as individuals
But from the same roots, over and over again
We turn these leaves over often enough
They break, we start again
The days come now where they hold stronger
And we’ll be each other till the end